


Electrical waste is the fastest growing waste stream in the world and small electrical equipments create the biggest part of it. This project aims to tackle the problem of e-waste by exploring ways to revive the repair economy. Worthy is a product family of rechargeable and easily repairable electrical products. It includes an electric toothbrush, a shaver and a hair trimmer, each of these products have similar parts inside. There are a lot of reasons why repairing isn’t seen as a primary option when products break such as the cost, efficiency and knowledge of why the product broke in the first place. In most of the cases you would need to have different types of tools that everybody doesn’t own. To repair the products you own, you have to have the knowledge and confidence to do so and this is where Worthy is making a difference by simplifying the products for future repairings. Worthy focuses on empowering consumers to understand their products different parts through storytelling by allowing them to assemble products themselves. This creates an opportunity to learn about the components so that in the future repairing is seen as a worthy thing to do.

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