


On the 7th of June 2018, I found a valet abandoned in the streets of Paris. The purpose of this object is to hang garments that are not dirty enough to go to the hamper but not clean enough to go back in the closet. We all have this pile of clothes somewhere in our bedroom ; on the floor or in the best case on a chair and that’s a real problem. So why did the valet disappear from our interiors ? Isn’t the need of storing these garments timeless ? And what would be a modern answer for it? JULES is a piece of furniture that re-imagines the traditional valet for our modern lifestyle. Beyond enabling us to organize our mess, I believe that the real power of the valet is that it dedicates a space for a daily task and turns it into a special moment. The modernization process of this forgotten typology is based on the concepts of versatility, presence and companionship. Lifestyles are changing and today we can’t afford the luxury of loosing 1 square meter for such a specific object mainly used during the night. Versatility results in the hybridation of a valet and a chair ; a chair during the day and a valet during the night. Before being defined by its function, its form or its use, the object first of all simply ‘is’. I wanted to design an object that doesn’t shout its functionalities but instead suggests possibilities. As a way to go away from the archaic aesthetic of the traditional valet, an important part of my research was lead by the willing of creating a new visual language based on generosity, softness and playfulness. Finally the third concept is companionship. Originally, valets where manservants for the upper-class gentlemen assisting them with general duties, like undressing. Here Jules is not a servant but a companion for the everyday routine. That’s why for instance the back of the seat, which is the coat hanger, is just a bit lower than the average height of human shoulders in order to truly give this feeling of dressing someone up.

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